**MICROSOFT FRONTPAGE BULLETIN** A monthly newsletter created expressly for users of the Microsoft FrontPage Web site creation and management tool.
AccessFP 'Microsoft FrontPage Bulletin' Archives The only place on the net that contains ALL the bulletins going back two years. (With the exception of Jan and April 99 bulletins do you have them? Let me know)
This free monthly newsletter helps you get the most out of Microsoft FrontPage with insights and information on the world's leading Web authoring and creation tool. Learn about special limited-time offers, upcoming releases, the latest tips and expert advice, new additions to Microsoft FrontPage, and more—all delivered right to your e-mail inbox.
For a look at the latest edition of the FrontPage Bulletin, read what's below. To start receiving upcoming editions, subscribe today.
*******What's in next months issue?*******
The May 2001 issue will be all about
SNEAK PREVIEW: FRONTPAGE VERSION 2002 Collaboration features in FrontPage version 2002 will be highlighed. Also, look for the feature about a new HTML Tools Add-in for FrontPage.
NOTE: I receive my MS FP Bulletin one month late, now I have found the http://microsoftfrontpage.com/ site, I will be able to post the bulletins sooner. However please note the bulletins one receives via subscription at MS are not the same format as the site bulletins and that the msfp site also contains other information. There is one other important point to note and that is the archives at microsoftfrontpage.com do not as far as back as these, so if you want to look back this is the place to do it! You can also obtain the bulletins as FREE E-books with your membership of AnyFrontPage Bytes.
This months issue April 2001
Welcome to this month's E-Commerce edition of the FrontPage Bulletin. Be sure to visit us on the Web at: http://news.microsoft.co.uk/fp11007364
This month's Bulletin zeros in on Site Management, looking at how to run and maintain your Web site better. And check out the new User Communities feature
NEW bCENTRAL COMMERCE MANAGER ADD-IN Microsoft® Corp. announced the immediate availability of the Microsoft® bCentral™ Commerce Manager Add-in for the Microsoft FrontPage® Web development tool. The Commerce Manager Add-in includes templates for an online product catalog, product category pages and product detail pages, along with order management, shopping cart and order-processing features, including optional credit-card processing. Check out the entire announcement at: http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/2001/apr01/ 04-16CommerceManagerPR.asp To download the bCentral Commerce Manager Add-In or get more information, visit: http://www.microsoft.com/frontpage/commercemanager.htm
INTERNET WORLD CHICAGO 2001 Internet World Chicago 2001 at McCormick Place July 10-12, targets qualified Internet buyers from thousands of greater Chicago area companies who are moving their businesses onto the Internet. As a FrontPage-based web developer, you can make contact with high-level executives who have immediate Internet requirements and purchasing authority. Find out more and sign-up at: http://www.internetworld.com/events/
MAKE YOUR WEB SITE MORE ACCESSIBLE When you create a Web site with Microsoft FrontPage 2000, there are some steps you can take to reach as broad an audience as possible including users with disabilities. This White Paper offers specific design suggestions for creating accessible FrontPage-based Web sites as well as places to go for more information. Find out how at: http://www.microsoftfrontpage.com/content/articles/articles.htm
USING ELECTRONIC COMMERCE WITH FRONTPAGE FrontPage offers several powerful e-commerce solutions. This paper looks at e-commerce issues, concerns, and how FrontPage 2000 can support your e-commerce strategy. If you require custom capabilities, many third party providers have developed e-commerce applications that work directly with FrontPage as well. Check out terminology, methods, security issues and third party integration at: http://www.microsoftfrontpage.com/content/articles/articles.htm
USING THE bCENTRAL COMMERCE MANAGER ADD-IN The NEW Microsoft bCentral Commerce Manager Add-In for FrontPage provides a simple way for millions of FrontPage users to add powerful e-commerce functionality to their FrontPage 2000 web sites. With the Commerce Manager Add-in and a Commerce Manager subscription from bCentral, you are able to set up a product database and create e-commerce catalog pages in your FrontPage-based Web site with the exact look and feel you want for your online store. To find out more on how to use the Commerce Manager Add-in, visit: http://www.microsoftfrontpage.com/content/articles/articles.htm
BECOME A WEB PRESENCE DEVELOPER FOR FRONTPAGE The Web Presence Developers (WPD) Program for Microsoft FrontPage is a program that was developed to help Microsoft's customers identify professionals that can help them create and manage FrontPage-based Web sites. Whether those customers are just looking for someone to kick start their FrontPage-based Web site or for a full service Web design firm including design and copywriting services, Microsoft will recommend and refer customers to the Web Presence Developers referral program. To learn more, go to:
FRONTPAGE-BASED WEB DEVELOPER PROFILE More people and businesses are taking advantage of the flexibility and power of FrontPage. Meet Darryl O'Donnell of 3graces, LLC and learn about building and managing the growth of a successful e-commerce Web site, using FrontPage: http://www.microsoftfrontpage.com/showcase/profile.html
MORE GREAT WEB SITES We asked you to send us the address of great e-Commerce Web sites built and managed with FrontPage. Here are four standouts: http://www.tourneau.com http://www.goldclaw.com/ http://www.kayokempjewelry.com/ http://www.hawaiianshirtsonline.com
HI-SOFTWARE'S ACCESSIBILITY TOOL- ACCVERIFY AccVerify™ from Hiawatha Island Software Company, Inc. ("HiSoftware"), provides verification of accessibility as required for Web Sites under W3C Guidelines and the Rehabilitation Act 508 (b) Section 1194.22. AccVerify provides all Priority One level Accessibility checks that are defined as "Must" to comply with Web site Accessibility guidelines. Download your 15-day evaluation version of AccVerify at: http://www.hisoftware.com/access/Index.html
PDG SHOPPING CART- UPDATED PDG Software, Inc., has released an updated version of its component for Microsoft FrontPage. PDG Shopping Cart is a robust shopping cart that requires no programming. It's Web-based graphical administrator makes entering your products and options simple as 1-2-3. You can download a 30-day fully functional evaluation version at: http://www.pdgsoft.com/frontpage
LAGARDE ADDS PAYPAL TO STOREFRONT 5.0 LaGarde Software Inc. now offers integrated support for PayPal's payment processing services in their StoreFront 5.0 software. PayPal is a payment service for online auctions as well as online community and group web sites. PayPal's services give merchants a quick and easy option for payment processing without the need for a merchant account. For additional information, visit the StoreFront web site at: http://www.storefront.net
5.0 from Rich Media Technologies, Inc. is releasing this month. This new version makes it even easier for businesses to add a fully secured shopping cart to their web site without the need for computer expertise beyond basic user knowledge. New features include a tighter integration within FrontPage. Find out about it at: http://www.richmediatech.com/justaddcommerce/index.asp
ADD MULTIPLE PRODUCTS TO YOUR PRODUCT CATALOG After downloading the bCentral Commerce Manager Add-in for Microsoft FrontPage and subscribing to bCentral Commerce Manager, create a product catalog in the bCentral Commerce Manager. Next, create your e-commerce Web site in FrontPage using the E-commerce Wizard. (see the article, "Using bCentral Commerce Manager Add-In"). Now, to quickly add multiple products to your catalog all at once, follow the steps below:
1. On the bCentral Commerce Manager home page, under Catalog Manager, in the left frame, click Add Products to your catalog. 2. Next to To upload multiple products at one time, click Click here. 3. Read the instructions provided on the page. 4. Hold down the ctrl key while you select multiple categories. 5. Click Get Template. 6. Name the file (Example: winter_clothing.xls), and click Save. 7. Modify the file using a spreadsheet program (such as Excel). Complete your changes, save your Excel File as a Text (Comma delimited) .csv file, and minimize the spreadsheet window. 8. At the Multiple Product Upload page, click Continue at the bottom of the page. 9. Select Browse to select the file you just saved. Click Continue. (This will also scan the file for any errors and return any results to you.) 10. Review the results and click Done. (You can return to your catalog to inspect the Products you just uploaded, or to fix any errors that occurred.)
To implement the product updates in your FrontPage-based Web site, run the E-commerce Wizard one more time.
NEW FEATURE: PHOTO GALLERY With Microsoft FrontPage® version 2002, you can quickly and easily create a Photo Gallery to display personal and business photos or images. You can add images to a Photo Gallery using any one of four different customizable layouts. Find out more at: http://www.microsoftfrontpage.com/content/TipsAndTricks/TipsAndTricks.htm
NEWSGROUP WATCH One hot topic on the newsgroup, microsoft.public.frontpage.client, last month was security and database location. Go to the newsgroup and look for the thread subject "DATABASE above the root?" to find out more. If you need help getting started with newsgroups check out: http://www.microsoftfrontpage.com/support/ngwatch.html
MICROSOFT OFFICE XP: 30-DAY TRIAL OFFER Test-drive the newest version of Office for 30 days, and experience a smarter way to work and collaborate with team members while extending your experiences beyond the desktop. The Office XP 30-Day trial includes a demonstration CD and supporting documents, so you get the most out of your trial. The trial CD is available in the US and Canada for $9.95 US/$14.95 CAN (plus applicable sales tax). Shipments will begin on April 30, 2001. Order today at: http://www.microsoft.com/office/XPWeb/
FREE TRIAL: CUSTOMER MANAGER FROM BCENTRAL bCentral Customer Manager is an online service that helps you track and respond to customer inquiries made on your FrontPage Web site, so you can improve your customer service and increase sales success. You can automatically respond to customers, receive notification when an inquiry comes in, and organize your customer e-mails, orders, and contacts. To learn more and try the bCentral Customer Manager FREE trial, go to: http://www.bcentral.com/fpcustomer To learn more about setting up FrontPage with bCentral Customer Manager, go to: http://www.microsoftfrontpage.com/content/articles/bccsm.html
SALESCART 2.0 FREE PLUG-IN SalesCart 2.0 from ComCity Corporation, the second-generation virtual shopping cart plug-in for Microsoft FrontPage, is now reduced to $97.99. Also included for free is their AuthorizeNet real-time payment plug-in for built-in payment processing (normally a $60 value). Plus get 30 days of free FrontPage-based hosting included with every SalesCart purchase. Find out more at: http://www.salescart.com/product.htm
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