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This months issue January 2000
Welcome to this month's edition of the FrontPage Bulletin. Be sure to visit us on the Web at:
Hello Readers!
Welcome to our Special Edition FrontPage Newsletter! We thought that for the first newsletter of the new millennium you deserved something a bit special, so we have compiled some of our favourite FrontPage Hints and Tips. Check out the "Quick Tips" section for those useful little things you may not know, or amaze your fellow Web-masters with some lesser known FrontPage tricks in the "Tips and Tricks" section. Finally, browse the "Did You Know" section for tips that could change your FrontPage life! Read on and enjoy, and look out for news of an exciting event for your chance to win a Pocket PC and Office 2000....
****************** *** QUICK TIPS *** ******************
MAKING YOUR FORMATTING CONSISTENT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you have a piece of perfectly formatted text and you want to copy the formatting of that text (including DHTML effects etc) to another piece of text, use the Format Painter button. Simply select the formatted text, click on the Format Painter and "swipe" the unformatted text. To apply the formatting several times, double click on the Format Painter.
SORTING COLUMNS IN A REPORT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you use the Reports views within FrontPage (and some are jolly useful), you can sort on a particular column within a report by clicking on the required column heading. To do a reverse sort, click the column heading again.
GETTING RID OF TABLE BORDERS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you create a table it is set as a default to show the borders - which is all well and good. However, if you want to remove them, set the Border Size to 0 in the Table Properties dialog box.
UPDATING PAGE TITLES IN NAVIGATION VIEW ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you are in Navigation View and decide to change the titles of the pages, here's a quick way: press the Tab key and the title of the first page of the Web will be available for editing. When you've changed the title, press Tab again and you can cycle round all the pages in the View changing the titles as required.
COMPLICATED LAYOUTS IN FORMS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It can be difficult to line up lots of Form fields satisfactorily with complex form layouts. One way of overcoming this is to use a table for the basic structure of the form - it's an easy way of lining everything up consistently.
WORKING WITH THE FORM TOOLBAR ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you're working with a form adding various types of Form fields, it can be slow having to keep returning to the Insert menu, choosing Form and then the relevant field. As an alternative to doing this, consider "tearing off" the list of Form fields to have them floating on their own toolbar. To "tear off" the list of fields, drag the grey bar at the top of the Form fields list to another part of the screen, and the toolbar will appear.
CUSTOMISING THE MENUS AND TOOLBARS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you want a quick way to customise the menus and toolbars this is it: to move a menu or toolbar button to a different location, hold down the Alt key and drag the menu or button to the required place. If you would prefer to copy the item, hold down the Control key as well.
*********************** *** TIPS AND TRICKS *** ***********************
FINDING YOUR PLACE IN HTML VIEW ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a handy tip if you want to do something to a piece of text in HTML view, but it's hard to find the text quickly. Simply go to Normal view and find the text, highlight it, then switch back to HTML view and it will still be highlighted, standing out instantly.
WORKING WITH LINE NUMBERS IN HTML VIEW ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you need to go to a particular line number in HTML view, you can use the Go To facility by pressing Control G and then typing in the line number that you want to go to. Another use for the Go To facility is quickly finding the line number of the line that you are on: when you access the Go To facility on a particular line, that line number will show already in the dialog box.
CREATING TABLES IN HTML VIEW ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This must be one of the best tips! If you spend most of your time working in HTML View, but use a lot of tables, you don't need to switch to Normal View to create a new table with the Insert Table button. Strange as it sounds, you can do just that in HTML view - and when you release the mouse after dragging out the size of the table, the table will be converted to the corresponding HTML.
FLOATING A TABLE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you want text to flow around a table, you need to make that table float. To do this, access the Table Properties dialog box for the relevant table, and then choose Left or Right as the setting in the Float list box.
FINDING A PAGE IN NAVIGATION VIEW ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you've been working with the pages in your Web you can find that you've changed some titles so that they no longer really match the filenames you gave them originally. This makes it hard to match the filenames and titles in Navigation view - unless you know this quick tip! Go to Navigation View, select the required file in the folder list, right click on it, choose the Find in Navigation option, and the corresponding page will be highlighted in the tree structure.
LETTING THE BACKGROUND SHINE THROUGH! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Have you ever inserted a graphic into your Web that has its own ideas about background colours, and sits rather awkwardly on top of your own rather sophisticated background? Well, no more - try this! Select the graphic, and then choose the Set Transparent Colour button on the Pictures toolbar. The mouse pointer will change to an eraser and all you have to do is to click on the colour that you'd like your background to replace.
*********************** *** DID YOU KNOW ? **** ***********************
CUSTOMISING THEMES IN FRONTPAGE 2000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can now customise Themes in FrontPage 2000, changing the elements to suit the Web that you are designing. If you want to try this, go to the Themes dialog box, click on the Modify button and away you go! And as if that wasn't exciting enough, once you've modified a Theme to your own requirements, that Theme will be available in products like Word to ensure consistency of Themes across the Office products.
CUSTOM IMAGES IN HOVER BUTTONS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hover Buttons are great - they add visual appeal in a discreet but exciting way! Did you know, though, that you can have an image of your choice appearing on the face of the Hover Button and another when it's hovered on? To try this, click on the Custom button of the Hover Button Properties dialog box and supply the relevant picture files in the Custom area.
LAYERING GRAPHICS ON A PAGE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you want to layer graphics on a page, all you have to do is to change the Z-order in the Position dialog box for the graphic. First change the Positioning Style of the graphic to Absolute and then play around with the Z-order. Numbers above 0 mean that the graphics float above the text, while negative numbers mean that the graphics go behind the text. If you want graphics to be layered on top of one another, give them appropriately higher or lower Z-order numbers depending how high up the "pile" you want them to appear.
USING COMMENTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Adding comments to your Web pages is a great tool if you work with other people on those pages, and an added advantage is that you don't need to delete them before publishing your Web because they don't show in the browser. Or do they? In fact, although they really don't show in the browser, they are still present in the HTML code. Anyone viewing the source code of the page will be able to read them - be warned!
********************** *** AND FINALLY... *** **********************
For more information visit: http://analyst.microsoft.co.uk/redirect.dll?28269901CF4511D38BE600902798A974
MICROSOFT WINDOWS 2000 LAUNCH, 18TH FEBRUARY 2000 Earls Court, London and venues around the UK and Ireland
This is your opportunity to hear how Microsoft Windows 2000 and Office 2000 will give you the desktop tools required to work without limitations. With live demonstrations we will show you how you can access email on your mobile phone, use the latest wireless Pocket PC to communicate anywhere, and talk to your car with AutoPC running on Windows technology. You'll be amazed by these great productivity devices and end user power tips, all designed to show you how Windows 2000 and the Office 2000 family combine to revolutionise the way we work Be one of over 2,000 delegates present at the start at this FREE OF CHARGE event. If you can't make the main event, then catch a Road Show near to you throughout March - check out the Web address above for dates, locations and registration.
All attendees at the main event and regional events will be entered into a prize draw for one of 15 HP Jornada Pocket PCs and a copy of Office 2000.
********************** *** OTHER EVENTS *** **********************
For more information visit:
The next FrontPage User Group National Seminar is on 14th March. The event is hosted at Microsoft Campus, Thames Valley Park, Reading, Berkshire, from 9AM to 4PM. Full details of agenda and registration will be posted on the FrontPage User Group website. Please note that Microsoft is not taking registrations for the event, you should contact the FUG for further information.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Microsoft, FrontPage and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to change in market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication. INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED 'AS IS' WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND FREEDOM FROM INFRINGEMENT. The user assumes the entire risk as to the accuracy and the use of this document. This document may be copied and distributed subject to the following conditions: 1. All text must be copied without modification and all pages must be included 2. All copies must contain Microsoft's copyright notice and any other notices provided therein 3. This document may not be distributed for profit