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the msfp site also contains other
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point to note and that is the archives at
microsoftfrontpage.com do not as far as back
as these, so if you want to look back this
is the place to do it! You can also obtain
the bulletins as
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of AnyFrontPage Bytes.
This months issue February 2000
Welcome to this month's edition of the FrontPage Bulletin. Be sure to visit us on the Web at: http://news.microsoft.co.uk/redirect.dll?22CABFFCDF0D11D38BE700902798A974
Hello Readers
We're glad that you enjoyed last month's special Tips and Tricks edition of the FrontPage Newsletter. In fact, so many of you told us that you found the tips useful that we shall be including some every month! Indeed, hints and tips are the topic of the moment - read on to find out how your hints and tips could win you a copy of Office 2000 Premium Edition.
In this issue:
~ FrontPage User Group National Seminar ~ Microsoft Windows 2000 Launch event ~ New Web Sites wanted for the Microsoft FrontPage Gallery ~ ASP Web Wizard available for download ~ The JavaScript Source Tip: Content protector for frames-based sites ~ Adding a Back button to your Web pages with FrontPage ~ FrontPage downloadable documents ~ FrontPage Tips and Tricks ~ Win a copy of Office 2000 Premium Edition!
******************************************* *** MICROSOFT WINDOWS 2000 LAUNCH EVENT *** ******************************************* http://news.microsoft.co.uk/redirect.dll?22CAC016DF0D11D38BE700902798A974
The Microsoft Windows 2000 - "Know Can Do" Launch takes place on February 18th at Earls Court, London, and at various venues throughout the UK during March.
We are delighted to invite you and your colleagues to this launch of Microsoft Windows 2000 in association with Hewlett Packard and Intel.
This is the first of a set of FREE events that will be essential for anyone interested in the latest desktop productivity solutions. This is YOUR opportunity to hear how Microsoft Windows 2000 and Office 2000 will give you the desktop without limitations: one platform, with one operating system, enabling you to do whatever you want, wherever you are.
Microsoft Windows 2000 has been trialled by 40,000 UK users - and they loved it! They loved its reliability, easy interface and usability, and the fact that you can dispense with language differences.
Come and be amazed by many great productivity ideas and power tips, which will show you how Windows 2000 and Office 2000 combine to revolutionise the way you work. All attendees will have the chance to win one of fifteen HP Jornada Pocket PCs and a copy of Microsoft Office 2000.
To reserve your place at this not-to-be-missed event, visit the Web site above, or call 0870 240 0800.
********************************************* *** FRONTPAGE USER GROUP NATIONAL SEMINAR *** ********************************************* http://news.microsoft.co.uk/redirect.dll?22CAC031DF0D11D38BE700902798A974
The next FrontPage User Group National Seminar is on 14th March. The event will be hosted at Microsoft Campus, Thames Valley Park, Reading, Berkshire and will run from 9am to 4pm.
Full details of the agenda and registration information will be posted on the FrontPage User Group Web site at the address above, or telephone 01242 521212.
Please note that Microsoft is not taking registrations for the event; you should contact the FrontPage User Group for further information and seminar fees.
FRONTPAGE GALLERY ******************************************************* http://news.microsoft.co.uk/redirect.dll?22CAC045DF0D11D38BE700902798A974
Get YOUR Web site in the FrontPage Gallery! We're looking for new Web sites to feature in the FrontPage Web site gallery which highlights sites created by FrontPage users of all skill levels and includes both personal and business sites. If you've created a Web site using FrontPage, and think it would make a great addition to our gallery, we'd love to see it.
Send the Web address for your site to the above email address and be sure to include "Gallery Submission" in the Subject Line.
************************************************** *** ASP WEB WIZARD 2000 AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD *** ************************************************** http://news.microsoft.co.uk/redirect.dll?22CAC05FDF0D11D38BE700902798A974
The ASP Web Wizard 2000 is now available for you to download from Microsoft Product Support Services. This wizard is an add-in for FrontPage 2000 and explains the database features of FrontPage. Learn topics such as creating databases with forms, setting up database connections using ODBC or ADO, and how to use forms to post to or retrieve data from a database.
********************************************************** *** THE JAVASCRIPT SOURCE TIP: CONTENT PROTECTOR FOR FRAMES-BASED SITES
********************************************************** http://news.microsoft.co.uk/redirect.dll?22CAC07FDF0D11D38BE700902798A974
If your Web site is made up of frames, some of those who view it might be linking directly to just a portion of your frameset and not to the site as you created it. Visit the Web address above for script which overcomes this problem by automatically reloading the page for those visitors so they see your intended frameset. And, to the benefit of Webmasters everywhere, this script also prevents other sites from loading your content page into their frames. Visitors are notified of the bandwidth theft and then sent to the page on your site (if used with The JavaScript Source's Dynamic Frameset script) or back to your main page.
**************************************************** *** ADDING A BACK BUTTON TO YOUR WEB PAGES WITH FRONTPAGE *** ****************************************************
The navigation bars in FrontPage frequently include a Back button - but it's really cool to be able to create your own!
In FrontPage 98 ensure you are in the Editor and then choose "FrontPage Component" from the "Insert" menu. From the dialog that appears, choose "Insert HTML" and click OK.
In FrontPage 2000, go to the "Insert" menu, choose "Insert", then "Advanced" and then "HTML".
In the HTML dialog box, type the following:
<form><input type="button" value="back" onclick="history.go(-1)"></form>
Now, close the dialog box and preview the page. You'll find a fully functioning Back button!
Quick Tips are provided by Inside Microsoft FrontPage, a ZD Journals publication. For a free* issue, visit: http://news.microsoft.co.uk/redirect.dll?22CAC090DF0D11D38BE700902798A974
*Internet Service Provider connect time charges may apply.
**************************************** *** FRONTPAGE DOWNLOADABLE DOCUMENTS *** **************************************** http://news.microsoft.co.uk/redirect.dll?22CAC0B5DF0D11D38BE700902798A974
Visit the Web address above for a series of documents to help you get the most out of FrontPage. Why not download these documents and give them to a friend or colleague, or even post them on your company intranet.
********************************* *** FRONTPAGE TIPS AND TRICKS *** *********************************
As we mentioned, many of you liked our FrontPage hints and tips, so why not check out the Microsoft Office hints and tips site for hints on all of the Office products. You can find this site at: http://news.microsoft.co.uk/redirect.dll?22CAC0C3DF0D11D38BE700902798A974
And so to our FrontPage Tips and Tricks section this month - two of our top tips. This time we've picked two features that are little-known but may be just what you have been looking for...
USING THE EYE DROPPER TOOL FOR FONT COLOURS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
If you've ever tried to match the colour of a font to the colour of another part of your Web page, this is the tip for you. Select the text as usual and go to the Format menu, and choose Font. When you click on the Color drop down list box you see the usual set of default colours. Choose the More Colors option at the bottom of the list and you see a larger choice of colours, but perhaps still not the exact colour that you are looking for.
So, here's the clever bit: click on the Select button and your mouse pointer will change into an eye dropper. As you move the mouse across the screen the eye dropper will pick up the colour of whatever you're pointing to. When you see the colour that you want, click the mouse, and the colour will be selected in the New part of the dialog box. If you need to use this colour again on the page you'll find it available in the Document Colors part of the Color drop down list box.
CONTROLLING TEXT NEXT TO PICTURES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Imagine that you have a picture to the left of a page, with the Text Wrapping Style set to Left in the Format Position dialog box, and a single line of text next to the picture. Got the picture?!
Now imagine that you want the next line of text to start underneath the picture. What do you do? Well, lots of Returns would certainly achieve the objective but there is a rather more elegant way. Make sure that the cursor is at the end of the line of text and go to the Insert menu and choose Break. From this dialog box choose the Clear both margins option and click OK. You can now carry on typing immediately underneath the picture.
This method has the added advantage that if the size of the picture changes, the text will always remain immediately underneath the picture.
************************************************** *** WIN A COPY OF OFFICE 2000 PREMIUM EDITION! *** ************************************************** http://news.microsoft.co.uk/redirect.dll?22CAC0D1DF0D11D38BE700902798A974
Yes, it's true! YOU can win a copy of Office 2000 Premium Edition! The Microsoft Office Web site features many hints and tips, but we want to hear YOUR favourite tips and tricks for any Office product. If you link to the address above you can submit a tip on our "GOT A TIP" page. All tips that are submitted during February will receive a free copy of Office 2000 Premium Edition. So, get thinking and we'll look forward to hearing from you!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FEEDBACK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We greatly value your feedback on this newsletter - if you have any comments or suggestions for future content, please e-mail us at mailto:2way@microsoft-contact.co.uk, or call us on 0345 00 2000. We look forward to hearing from you.
Thanks again for your continued interest in Microsoft.
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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Microsoft and FrontPage are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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