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A monthly newsletter created expressly for users of the Microsoft FrontPage Web site creation and management tool.

AccessFP 'Microsoft FrontPage Bulletin' Archives
The only place on the net that contains ALL the bulletins going back two years.
(With the exception of Jan and April 99 bulletins do you have them? Let me know)

This free monthly newsletter helps you get the most out of Microsoft FrontPage with insights and information on the world's leading Web authoring and creation tool. Learn about special limited-time offers, upcoming releases, the latest tips and expert advice, new additions to Microsoft FrontPage, and more—all delivered right to your e-mail inbox.

For a look at the latest edition of the FrontPage Bulletin, read what's below. To start receiving upcoming editions, subscribe today.

NOTE: I receive my MS FP Bulletin one month late, now I have found the site, I will be able to post the bulletins sooner. However please note the bulletins one receives via subscription at MS are not the same format as the site bulletins and that the msfp site also contains other information. There is one other important point to note and that is the archives at do not as far as back as these, so if you want to look back this is the place to do it! You can also obtain the bulletins as FREE E-books with your membership of AnyFrontPage Bytes.

In this issue: May 99

Welcome to the May edition of the FrontPage. Visit us on the Web at:
If you would like to unsubscribe to this Microsoft Newsletter, simply reply to this message with the word "Unsubscribe" in the subject line.

In this issue:
--FrontPage 2000 45-Day Trial Available Soon
--Microsoft Office 2000 Whitepaper
--Announcing Microsoft Office 2000 & Tour
--Using Databases with Microsoft FrontPage 2000
--UK FrontPage User Group News
--Web Site Showcase: Three Great Sites Created with FrontPage
--Working with Discussion Groups in FrontPage 98
--Tip: Quickly Replicate Navigation Bars
--New UK Digital Nervous System web site launched
--BIll Gates' new book "Business @ the Speed of Thought"
--NSPCC Campaign

Creating exactly the site you want is easier than ever with all the improvements in our latest version of the leading Web site creation and management tool. Microsoft FrontPage 2000 features tighter integration with Office 2000 and will be a new member of the suite in the Office 2000 Premium edition. Preview FrontPage 2000 soon with a 45-day trial CD. Trial is currently available in the US and Canada.  Check the FrontPage Web site later this month for English language trial that will be available for additional countries.

Office 2000 leads the evolution of business application solutions through ever-more sophisticated tools and features. It now offers an even simpler deployment and installation process, improved built-in support and easier maintenance.
For the definitive overview of Microsoft Office 2000, request your FREE White Paper now by calling 0870 60 60 600 ext 230 or visit

Feel free to change the way you work. Launching on 8th June 1999, Microsoft Office 2000 takes the world's best selling productivity suite and puts the power of the web at your fingertips for virtually every task you do now. In short, it brings online into line, helping to make your work time more productive. For more information please visit
To celebrate the launch of Microsoft Office 2000 we've organized four FREE events between 25th May and 15th June to give business users a first-hand opportunity to see Office 2000 in action and to find out more about some of the cool new product features. To find out more and to book online please visit
or telephone 018702 400 800.

With new database features in FrontPage 2000, you can create new databases or connect to existing databases and incorporate live data directly into your Web pages. FrontPage automatically generates the scripts needed to display and add information to databases, so no programming is required. If you require custom functionality, you can edit the script files to build exactly the solutions you need.  Read the full white paper at:

The FrontPage User Group Update
The FrontPage User Group
The forum for web site design and application development using Microsoft Internet products.

Regional Meetings Summer 1999
The FrontPage User Group will be hosting the following meetings around the country this summer. These meetings are intended to be informal sessions for small groups of around 15-30 people and will be held every two months. There will be a main presentation followed by a discussion session - an opportunity for you to bring along problems that hopefully somebody else has already solved! Meetings are planned to last for two hours and are free to members.
If you wish to attend a meeting then please register via e-mail to specifying which meeting you wish to attend.
If you are not a member then please contact us (details below)
You may attend as many meetings as you wish.

2 June 5.30pm - Linking FrontPage 98 with Excel
Hosted by Compaq
Speaker: Neville Hunt, Coventry University
Neville will describe his experiences - both good and bad - of trying to integrate "live" Excel 97 spreadsheets into Front Page 98 webs. He will demonstrate examples of interactive web-based teaching materials produced in this way.
10 June 7pm - - a Case Study of a FrontPage Web Site & Issues Encountered
Hosted by 1 Way Internet
Speaker: Ian Powdrell
A review of the use of Microsoft FrontPage for the creation of a web site for the marketing of commercial and residential properties in West Cornwall. The review will look at the initial concepts, the issues encountered and how they were overcome, the features of the site, and the opportunities for the future.
17 June 7pm - Review of FrontPage 2000
Hosted by Microsoft
Speaker: Peter Williams, FrontPage Product Manager, Microsoft
Peter will demonstrate the new version of FrontPage that will have just hit the shops. He will highlight the new features and outline Microsoft's recommendations for using the new product. The presentation will also discuss the issues involved with upgrading from FrontPage 98 to the new version.
24 June 3pm - Review of FrontPage 2000
Hosted by Virtual Business Centre
Speaker: Jon Billings, Microsoft
Jon will demonstrate the new version of FrontPage that will have just hit the shops. He will highlight the new features and outline Microsoft's recommendations for using the new product. The presentation will also discuss the issues involved with upgrading from FrontPage 98 to the new version.
2 July 3pm - What is this ASP Thing Anyway?
Speaker: Rod Gordon, Gordon Associates
An introduction to using ASP with FrontPage. What is ASP and how does it work? Rod will discuss the issues around server-side scripting, why to use it and when to use it. Examples will include linking a web-page to a database using Access or SQL Server.
20 July 3pm Comparison Of FrontPage And Other Web-Site Design Tools
Hosted by Alpha Business Support
An analysis of the requirements of web authoring software and a discussion of the pros and cons of FrontPage, Dreamweaver, Allaire Homesite and other tools.
FrontPage Use & Functionality Working Party
Hosted by WorldWide Web Services
One of the key functions of the user group is to promote best practice in the use of the FrontPage product and feed suggestions for product improvements back to Microsoft. This will be the inaugural meeting of the working party formed to discuss these topics. Enthusiastic members are invited to assist with the defining the structure of the working party and co-ordinating with the membership. This inaugural meeting will take place around the end of June - please ask for further details.
The FrontPage User Group is an independent group of dedicated FrontPage advocates, users, developers and trainers. The user group is not funded by Microsoft, but enjoys the status of 'officially recognised user group', which means that we are listed on the Microsoft web-site and Microsoft provide support in the form of publicising the user group. Whilst being independent, it is our intention to work with Microsoft so that we jointly benefit from improvements in future versions. 

We are always looking for new members and representatives for the national and regional committees. Please contact us if you are interested in helping out.
The FrontPage User Group, Stokesley House, 53, Prestbury Road, Cheltenham, Glos. GL52 2BY
Tel : (01242) 521212 Fax : (01242) 226021
Contact Margaret Chamberlain at the above address or
FrontPage User Group web site :

The Web sites listed below come from the thousands of submissions we've received to our request for "killer Web sites." Our intent is to highlight sites that provide you with new ideas, inspiration, and examples for your own Web sites. Thanks to those of you who have submitted sites. We will continue to highlight more of them in upcoming issues.

We like this Web site because it demonstrates how educators use FrontPage to share what goes on in their classroom with parents, students, and peers.  Using FrontPage 98, Mrs. Dziekanowski, the Eighth Grade Science teacher at Robert R. Lazar Middle School, has created an engaging and informative site that is enhanced with features like Themes and the discussion Web.  Check it out at:

This online seller of custom silk-screened apparel uses FrontPage 98 to create and manage a clever Web site that allows visitors to order custom printing on hats, t-shirts, bags, and a variety of other merchandise.  This site is large, commerce-enabled, and makes great use of forms.  Check it out at:

Many of the submissions we receive are from organizations that have used FrontPage to create a Web site as an information clearinghouse for their organization.  The Texas Judge is a good example of a well-crafted site that is regularly updated. The site provides resources to members of the Texas judiciary as well as those visitors interested in finding out about the goings-on of the Texas court system. Check it out at:

If you would like to nominate your site for Killer Web Site, you can send e-mail to


There are no technical support representatives on this alias, so please use it only to submit nominations for Killer Web Sites or technical tips we can publish in future bulletins.

A discussion Web can be a powerful addition to any Web site. For an initial investment of time on your part, a discussion Web can provide your site with continuously changing content that gets visitors involved and drives increased traffic to your site. We explore the FrontPage discussion Web feature in this new article and give you some pointers on maintaining the Web on a long-term basis

If you've set up a navigation bar in your top shared border, you can easily replicate that navigation bar in your bottom shared border. Just right-click on the navigation bar and choose Copy from the shortcut menu. Then, right-click in the bottom border and choose Paste.

You might not want to have two identical navigation bars on the same page, of course, but you could set the second bar up to display text buttons instead of icons. To do so, just double-click it and choose Text in the Orientation and Appearance panel.

You can then adjust the font size of these text links, which gives a really nice lower page navigation tool, similar to many professional sites today.  This works especially well if you have a long page. And of course both bars stay in sync with any navigation changes you make to the page.

Quick Tips provided by Inside Microsoft FrontPage, a ZD Journals publication. For a free* issue, visit:

Find more helpful how-to articles and tips for FrontPage at MSDN Online: <>

New UK Digital Nervous System web site launched
Microsoft UK has created a new web site which explains the concept of the Digital Nervous System. The Digital Nervous System enables digitally-based information to flow between and within organisations - enabling them to act, react and adapt to customer and market demands fatser than their competitors. The new web site outlines the Digital Nervous System concept in detail, provides key areas of focus for creating a successful Digital Nervous System and gives examples of UK companies who are already seeing business value from adopting this approach.
Further details can be found at:

Bill Gates releases new book "Business @ the Speed of Thought"
Microsoft Chairman and CEO Bill Gates, has published his latest book Business @ the Speed of Thought". The new book focusses on many of the challenges - and opportunities - that business leaders will face in the digital economy and how technology can help address them. Specifically, it outlines how businesses who seek to adopt digitally-based information, processes and tools - creating a type of digital "nervous system" -
Further details of Business @ the Speed of Thought can be found at

Visit the new Microsoft Community/Charity site at
and find out about the latest campaign from the NSPCC amongst others.

That's it for this month's issue. 

If you would like to review the FrontPage Bulletins on the Web, you can find this month's edition and previous editions at:

We greatly value your feedback on this newsletter - if you have any comments or suggestions for future content, please email us at, or call us on 0345 00 2000. 
We look forward to hearing from you.

How to use this mailing list:
To unsubscribe to this newsletter, reply to this email with the word UNSUBSCRIBE in the subject line.  Visit our customer Profile Center where you can manage your communications preferences and subscribe to a wide variety of informative newsletters at

THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to change in  market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication. INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED 'AS IS' WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND FREEDOM FROM INFRINGEMENT. The user assumes the entire risk as to the accuracy and the use of this document. This document may be copied and distributed subject to the following conditions:
1. All text must be copied without modification and all pages must be included
2. All copies must contain Microsoft's copyright notice and any
other notices provided therein
3. This document may not be distributed for profit

(c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.  Microsoft, FrontPage, Outlook, and PhotoDraw are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.  Other product and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

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