Form page Wizard
Using the Microsoft FrontPage Express forms page wizard is an easy way of producing a simple form page. This walk-through just illustrates the use of the Wizard, and lets you know what to expect before running the wizard. You can, of course, build your own forms using the FrontPage forms toolbar buttons.
In the example below, I shall construct an enquiries form page which asks the user to supply the following information:
- name
- gender
- age range
- contact details
- occupation details
- best thing about the Web site
- worst thing about the Web site
- overall site rating
It might help to try out a test version of the form page. This test form does not send any information back to me - when you press the 'Submit' button, a Web page is made showing the format of what will be sent to your e-mail address in the final version of the form.
Step 1
[ next ]
Load Microsoft FrontPage Express and select File | New | Form Page Wizard from the File menu. You should see the following dialog box. Just click the Next button to start designing your form.
step 2
Give the file name for your page in the page URL box, and a suitable title in the Page title box. Click the Next button to continue.